Sunday, November 1, 2015

Lauren Burge Citizen Panel

Lauren Burge Citizen Panel

Alexa Becker

Age: 21
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Alexa has lived in the Tenderloin for two years and is very knowledgable about events going on in the area. She also spends most of her time hanging out in the neighborhood so I know she is a good source to talk to about ongoing or upcoming events in the Tenderloin.

Gaby Domingo 

Age: 21
Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Gaby has been a resident of the Tenderloin for almost two years. She is studying to become a journalist and is up to date with what is going on in her neighborhood. She is a good source to talk to about places to eat in the Tenderloin and also new places that are popping up around the area. 

Professor Rojas 

Adjunct Professor at USF

Professor Rojas is an adjunct professor at USF who specializes in teaching about gender and sexualities. She is a great source to gain insight about gender and sexuality in the Tenderloin and how it is represented and how this can change. 

Pam Coates 

Tour Guide at Tenderloin Museum 

Pam Coates has been a long time resident of the Tenderloin and has seen it transform over the years. She is very knowledgeable about the history of the Tenderloin as well as present important information. She will be a great source for getting news on the most pressing problems going on in the Tenderloin. She has been a tour guide for the Tenderloin Museum since its opening in July 2015. She also led tours in the Tenderloin for a few years along with Seymour-a Tenderloin legend. 

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